publications + exhibitions
- Enter 5: Art/Tech Bienalle: Datapolis. "Palpable City" and "bark rubbings"—wearable tactile displays, GPS, mediascape and custom electronics. Prague, Czech Republic. April 14-17, 2011
- Riders on the Train. Axiom Center for New and Experimental Media. "kinaesthetic double double" :: kinetic sculpture. Boston, MA November 10 - December 12, 2009
- Pixilerations [v.6] a festival of digital media and interactive performance. FirstWorksProv Festival. Sol Koffler Gallery. "bark rubbings: bark rubbings: city as forest" :: wearable tactile display, GPS, mediascape and custom electronics. Providence, RI September 24 - Octo-ber 11, 2009
- Pixilerations [v.5] Fragments and (W)holes. FirstWorksProv Festival. Sol Koffler Gallery. "1.1.1. Reading a wave" :: interactive installation: Providence, RI October 2 - October 12, 2008
- Bumpkin Island Art Encampment. Berwick Research Institute, Studio Soto and the Island Alliance. Participatory performance: "A Tactilist Theatre : poems told by touch" Boston Harbor Islands, Boston, MA August 28 - September 2, 2008
- ImageRadio: interactive experiments in public space. MAD Emergent Art Center. "Palpable City: Eindhoven" :: site-specific mobile tactile installation. Eindhoven, Netherlands. November 2 - 4, 2007
- UMBC 40th Anniversary Alumni Exhibition. The Commons, Univeristy of Maryland Baltimore County. Documentation video of installations "Troglodyte" and "Firewall". Baltimore, MD October 7 - November 17, 2006
- Journées de la culture. Place des Arts' Hall des Pas perdus. "Firewall" :: Responsive Video Installation with Freida Abtan and Harry Smoak. Montréal, QC Canada September 29-31, 2006
- Hexagram (Projection Room). "Troglodyte" :: architectural intervention. Erik Conrad, Justyna Latek and Josée-Anne Drolet. Montréal, QC Canada. March 15, 2006
- Hybrid Vigor. Beall Center for Art and Technology. "TactileSpace" :: wearable, GPS driven, tactile display and outdoor installation. Irvine, CA April 6 - 16, 2005
- Hybrid Vigor. Beall Center for Art and Technology. "study: gesture | water | light" :: responsive light installation. Irvine, CA June 4 - 19, 2004
- ISEA 2004. Participant/eater for "Where Are We Eating: BALTIMORE" :: internet streaming + radio broadcast performance. August 21 - 22, 2004
- Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center. Demo Day, Georgia Tech. "aether: an experiment in the phenomenology of reading" :: interactive installation. Atlanta, GA 2002
- Information Design and Technology. Demo Day. Georgia Tech, Wesley Center for New Media, "aether: an experiment in the phenomenology of reading" :: interactive installation. Atlanta, GA 2002
- Architecture of Responsive Spaces. Wesley Center for New Media. "Invisible Relations" :: Public, outdoor, interactive installation. Yoichiro Serita, Erik Conrad, Maryann Westfall, Elizabeth Adams. 2001
- Webcast Lounge. Art Frankfurt. "an Odyssey (of sorts)" :: net art narrative. Frankfurt, Germany & www. 2001
- From Representation to Performance. Wesley Center for New Media. f0unta1n — tangible/intangible narrative space. 2001
- MASSAGE 4.0. NOMADS "untitled" :: interactive, script-driven pattern animation. 1999
- Local and Mobile 2012. Attendee. North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC 2012
- AI & Society, Vol. 26, No. 1. (Special issue on 'Soft Architecture', edited by Sha Xin Wei. ) Springer London. Essay: "Soft Architectures for Everyday Life." May 1, 2011
- Datapolis Symposium. Panel: Sentient City (moderator) Dimitris Charitos. Presentation: "A Touch of Life." Prague, Czech Republic. Video: April 14-17, 2011
- (accepted) International Symposium for Electronic Arts (ISEA). Paper: "Space Alive!" Sabanci University, Istanbul. September 14, 2011 - September 21, 2011
- (accepted) CHI'll Workshops: Performative Interaction in Public Space. Paper: "iSpot: an interactive social prosthetic ocellar technology" Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. May 7-12, 2011
- CoDE: Cultures of the Digital Economy. Lecture: "Tactilist Media: experiencing places through mediated touch." Anglia Ruskin University. Cambridge, United Kingdom, November 2010
- Media City: Media-Architecture, Urban Context and Social Practices. 3rd international conference on the interaction of architecture, media and social phenomena. Paper: "Tactilist Media: experiencing places through mediated touch" Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany, 29 to 31 October 2010
- Pecha Kucha. Western New York Book Arts Center. Presented "A Tactilist Theatre." Buffalo, NY February 13, 2010
- Dorkbot Buffalo. Sugar City. Presented "bark rubbings" to "people doing strange things with electricity." Buffalo, NY October 8, 2009
- Embodiment & Mobility Symposium. Department of Digital + Media, Rhode Island School of Design. Presentation: "Thinking Through the Skin: Art for the Sense of Touch." Other speakers include Christiane Paul, Kelly Dobson, Chris Salter, Teri Rueb and Francisco Ricardo. Providence, RI April 3, 2009
- Artist Talk. University of Houston School of Art. April 2009
- Artist Talk. University of Nebraska Lincoln, Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts. March 2009
- Artist Talk. University of Buffalo. School of Architecture and Planning. November 2008
- Transposing Bumpkin Island's Art Encampment and Community. Part of Fort Point Open Studios, curated by Carolyn Lewenberg, Megan Dickerson, Jed Speare. "A Tactilist Theatre" [documentation + written statement] Boston, MA October 17 - 19, 2008
- Young Investigator's Forum on Culture Technology 2008. Korea Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (KAIST). Paper: "Vibrotactile Displays and Embodied Experience." Daejeon, Republic of Korea. August 22-23, 2008
- First International Conference on Critical Digital: What Matter(s)? Harvard Graduate School of Design. Paper: "Rethinking the Space of Intelligent Environments." Cambridge, MA April 18 - 19, 2008
- Artist Talk. New Jersey Institute of Technology. College of Architecture and Design. April 2008
- Artist Talk. University of the Arts. (Philadelphia) College of Media and Communication. April 2008
- Artist Talk. Rhode Island School of Design. Digital + Media. Department of Digital+Media. October 2007
- Subtle Technologies Symposium. Paper "Embodied Space for Ubiquitous Computing" Toronto, Canada 2006
- CHI 2006. Workshop—invited participant "About Face Interface: Creative Engagement in New Media Arts and HCI" Position paper: "Towards Embodied Spatial Interaction." Montreal, Canada. Other invitees included Sara Diamond, Simon Penny, Tiffany Holmes. April 22 - 23, 2006
- Dancing the Virtual. Rarticipant. Part of the "Technologies of Lived Abstraction" conference, sponsored by The Sense Lab, at Society for Arts and Technology (with Brian Massumi, Erin Manning, Sha Xin Wei, Christopher Salter) Montréal, Canada. May 13 - 15, 2006
- CALIT2 Graduate Student Conference on Social and Cultural Aspects of Science. University of California Irvine. Paper: "Wearing Embodied Space." Irvine, CA 2005
- International Symposium for Wearable Computing (ISWC) Student Colloquium. Poster: "Wearing Embodied Space." Arlington, VA 2004
- SIGGRAPH Sketches and Applications: "aether: reading with tactile vision". San Diego, CA July 27 - 31, 2003
- Madeline Schwartzman. See Yourself Sensing. Black Dog Publishing, London 2011
- Vive les Robots!. Interview by Christian Gjørret: Part 1 & Part 2
- Chris Salter. Entangled: Technology and the Transformation of Performance. MIT Press. Cambrige, MA 2010
- The Providence Phoenix. Greg Cook. "The digerarti: 'Pixilerations' plugs in Providence art" October 2, 2009
- Providence Journal Online. FirstWorks Pixilerations in Providence (video)
- Boston Globe. Cate McQuaid. "Artists colonize a harbor outpost." August 30, 2008 [photo online]
- The Boston Phoenix. Ian Sands. "Yes, but why?" September 3, 2008
- Networked Performance Blog. Jo-Anne Green. May 4, 2008.
- IaaC Blog (Institute for Advanced Architecture Catalonia). Georgios Machairas November 19, 2007
- Space and Culture Blog "City as Vibrotactile Rhythms" June 1, 2006.
- Concordia Journal. Marc Losier.
"Topological Media Lab catches fire with kids." October 12, 2006
- We-Make-Money-Not-Art. "Wearing Tactile Space" May 2, 2006